Artikkelit  (10)

Sympathy for the pirate – Frustration with legal streaming services pushes towards bootleg content

...distribution platform. Distributing and consuming copyrighted content for free is harmful to the copyright holders for obvious reasons. Putting that aside, can piracy be seen as a motivator for the...

Sappikin vaikenee Kankaan kaupoista – näin epäilys kasvoi other countries and regions within the Sappi Group. We have therefore no further comments and I hope this clarifies your enquiry. Mitä takaisinostosta oli sovittu? Keskisuomalaisen keskustelupalstalla nousi esiin...

For foreign students the struggle is real – financially

...the case with the students who have already lived in Finland for a longer period of time before starting their education here. Citizens of EU/EEA and Switzerland are eligible for...

Squabbling over Questions about Race 2015 and 2016. They started out as a protest against racism on campus and were inspired and led by the student government president Payton Head. Head, who is black,...

Who should an immigrant vote?

...Democrats (SDP): “The Social Democrats promote tolerance and freedom. We are also Finland’s most international party. It is to Finland’s advantage that we our workforce receives fresh creativity and expertise....

Culture events for non-Finnish speakers

...Tournament, and CineSundays. These events are held monthly and encourage locals, other language speakers and international students to attend, meet new people and have fun. The aim of the events...

Staying or leaving – the situation of exchange students in Jyväskylä during Corona

Finnish government declared a state of emergency on Monday the 16th of March and introduced new measures. This came as a surprise for many exchange students and the uncertainty about...

Finding your way in Finland starts with the individual

...and curious about the people and places around you,” Kovalenko said. ”Be creative and look for opportunities,” Alaverdyan added. He feels that there are many opportunities for him in Finland....

Language becomes meaningful in a social context

...and understanding,” Maria Ruohotie-Lyhty, a senior lecturer in applied linguistics at the University of Jyväskylä, explained. Learning just by watching tv or listening to music in a foreign language might...

Tieteen onnellinen lapsi

...aurinkokellon. Muiden lasten tavalliset leikit eivät kiinnostaneet Newtonia. Newtonin äiti halusi pojastaan maalaisherrasmiehen, mutta Newtonille tämä tulevaisuus ei kelvannut. Lopulta koulun rehtori vakuutti Newtonin äidin siitä, että Isaacin täytyisi päästä...

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